daiphire | Ana Pereira

[email protected]

Hey there! I'm Ana, an illustrator and art teacher based in Portugal!
I love cats & i make art in my room 🐈
Thanks for dropping by!! 💖



If you are requesting my services, you agree to my Terms and Conditions.
✿ I have the right to decline any order for any reason.
✿ I reserve the right to cancel and refund the order at any time for any reason.
✿ I reserve the right to post the comissioned artwork online (social media, portfolio, commission sheets)
✿ I will NOT tolerate any form of harassment or rude behavior.
✿ you may NOT use the commissioned artwork for commercial purposes unless otherwise stated.
✿ full payment always upfront through paypal or MBWAY (portugal only!)
✿ commissions are non refundable after approval of the sketch phase.
✿ a fee will be added if it's urgent and/or if you want something changed on the final drawing - unless a misunderstanding from my side has been made.
will do:
couples; pets/pokémon; fanart; original characters;
won't do:
mecha; nsfw; armor; anything im not comfortable with.

✷ cartoon portraits ✷